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JRStegano .net component 3.0

JRStegano .net component 3.0

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JRStegano .net component Publisher's Description

JRStegano control lib is a .net component for Steganographie.
JRStegano allow you to hide (and extract) any data file inside a perfectly normal 24-bit BMP or PNG file.
The control builds a file system inside the image there you can add so many textstrings and files as you want. (the datasize was limited by the picture width and height properties)
The datas can only be extracted by using JRStegano component.
All datas will be encrypted before there be added to the picture. A optional user password builds a perfect security data file inside the picture.
-AddText, AddData, AddFile Methods
-GetText, GetData, GetFilename, GetFile and many other Functions
-ClearAllData Method (format the JRStegano picture inside filesystem)
-comes with complete on-line help and detailed demonstration project in .net language.
This distribution includes the following files:
JRSTeganoDemoEnglish Demo Project Workspace to learn all the functions of JRStegano
JRStegano.dll the ControlLibrary
JRStegano.chm Windows-HTML-Helpfile in German and English language
Demo.png Grafik file with steganographie-datas

To test:
If the JRStegano.dll was not found, please add the reference manually to the project workspace.
The jrstegano.dll Control was compiled with Visual Studio 2003 and the .Net Framework 1.1
The jrsteganof2.dll Control was compiled with Visual Studio 2005 and the .Net Framework 2
The jrstegano.ocx was compiled with VB6
To Distribute:
Add the JRStegano.dll to your Installation-Routine.
Works with:
all .net languages.

What's New in Version 3.0 of JRStegano .net component

The component has the same functions as the JRStegano Activex controll but it is a new in .net language designed component with 100% managed code. jrstegano.dll for .net Framework 1.1 jrsteganoF2.dll for .net Framework 2

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